Quantum Healing

This method of spiritual healing utilizes breathing techniques and visualization to increase energy levels to increase healing vibrations and positive effects for the immune, respiratory, and circulatory system. By decreasing stress, the body and brain can work more efficiently and release more toxins from the system.

Revisionary work

Letting go of limiting beliefs either heard or conveyed to you as a child, relationship breakups, spats, or even bad news that causes unusual stresses that just keeps manifesting itself or attracting similar situations. By reconnecting with the time in space but putting the client in control of the situation. Powerful changes begin to happen almost immediately.

There are various benefits of Spiritual healing lessons. We have listed some of the benefits below:

  • Reduce and decrease stress and anxiety level
  • Helps in clearing mental clutter
  • Helps in relieving recurring insomnia
  • Helps in reducing chronic pain
  • Helps in decreasing surgical healing time
  • Spiritual Healing sessions will help in recovery from various kinds of injuries
  • Improve mindfulness and compassion for others
  • Create healthy relationships with family members and friends

Michelle provides spiritual healing lessons in Tampa, Chicago, and nearby cities. You can contact Michelle for in-person or online sessions. We provide online spiritual healing lessons through various video conferencing tools like zoom, etc.

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